Pianista, kompozytor, aranżer, pedagog. Od początku swojej działalności artystycznej lider własnego trio. Artysta nominowany do nagrody Polskiej Akademii Fonograficznej „FRYDERYK 2017” w kategorii FONOGRAFICZNY DEBIUT ROKU – JAZZ. Od lat współtworzy wiele zespołów jazzowych i jest aktywny na polskiej scenie jazzowej. Zdystansowany sceptyk.
FB and IG #voicingersteam

A Polish pianist and composer. He is a graduate of the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice, where he currently serves as a lecturer. From the onset of his artistic journey, he has led his own trio. Additionally, he has contributed to several other groups, including the Piotr Budniak Essential Group, Julia Kania Quartet, and Sandwich On The Floor.
Borowski has received scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education and has been honored with jazz awards such as the Poznań Blue Note Competition, Tarnów Jazz Contest, and Jazz, Juniors, RCK Pro Jazz. Notably, he was nominated for the Polish music industry award Fryderyk 2017 in the Jazz Music category for Debut of the Year.
FB and IG #voicingersteam